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Author: La Crescent

Public Input Wanted for Hazard Mitigation Plan


Public Input Wanted as County Updates Hazard Mitigation Plan

Houston County residents, community leaders business owners area agencies and organizations now have an opportunity to share how severe weather events impact their property and lives. There is also an opportunity to share their ideas on how to reduce local in1pacts in the future.
The Houston County Office of Emergency Management is working with U-Spatial at the University of Minnesota Duluth to update the county’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). The plan assesses the natural hazards that pose risk to the county, such as tornadoes, straight line winds ice storms, blizzards wildfire, flooding and extreme temperatures and identifies ways to minimize the damage of future events. As the county works to update the plan, it wants to hear from the public.

The Houston County HMP is a multi-jurisdictional plan that covers Houston County, including the cities of Brownsville, Caledonia, Eitzen, Hokah, Houston, La Crescent, and Spring Grove. The Houston County HMP also incorporates the concerns and needs of townships, school districts, and area agencies or organizations participating in the plan. The plan will be updated by a planning tean1 made up of representatives from county departments, local municipalities, school districts and other key stakeholders. When completed, the plan will be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for approval.

“Hazard mitigation planning is a central part of our emergency management program” said Mark Olson, Houston County Emergency Management Director. “Understanding the natural hazards that can cause serious impact to our communities and taking action to reduce or eliminate the impact of future disasters makes us more resilient. Hazard mitigation helps us to break the cycle of damage and repair caused by things like flooding, ice storms, and severe wind events that can damage property, stress economies, and threaten life safety in our county.”

Examples of hazard mitigation include:

• Conducting public outreach on severe weather awareness and preparedness
• Limiting or restricting development in floodplain areas
• Removing existing buildings from flood or erosion prone hazard areas
• Using snow fences to limit blowing and drifting of snow over road corridors
• Constructing tornado safe rooms in vulnerable areas such as mobile home parks
• Burying overhead powerlines that may fail due to heavy snow, ice, or windstorms

Some mitigation activities may be eligible for future FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant funding.
Public input is an essential part of the plan update. As part of the planning process, Houston County is seeking feedback from residents and businesses from across the county to incorporate into the plan:

• What are the natural hazards you feel pose the greatest risk to your community?
• What concerns do you have, and what sorts of actions do you feel would help to reduce damages of fuh1re hazard events in your community or the county as a whole?

Comments, concerns, or questions regarding nah1ral disasters and potential mitigation actions to be included into the plan update should be submitted to Houston County Emergency Management by phone, email, or by posting a comment via a social media posting of this article.
There will be additional opportunities for public feedback throughout the planning process. A draft of the plan will be made available for public review prior to submission of the plan to the State of Minnesota. Future news releases will be shared with the media to notify the public of these opportunities.

The Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) requires counties to update their plan every 5 years to maintain eligibility for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs.


Mark Olson
Houston County Emergency Management Director
Phone: (507) 725-5834

Annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting Notice

Notice is hereby given to all qualified voters of La Crescent Township, County of Houston, State of Minnesota, of the Annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting being held Tuesday, March 14, 2023 In case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until March 21, 2023. Sample ballots will be posted at all regular posting locations.

The Election poll hours will be open from 4:00PM to 8:00PM at the Township Hall at which time the voters will elect:

Supervisor A – 3-year term
Roy Lemke (Filed)

Supervisor B – 3-year term
Shawn Allen (Filed)

The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:15PM to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law and will be held at the La Crescent Community/Fire Building in La Crescent, MN. The Election Canvassing Board will meet immediately after.

Further information may be obtained by calling Karen Schuldt, Clerk at (507) 895-6055 #3.

Click to see PDF of sample ballot 2023

General Election Notice

General Election Notice 2022
Sample Ballot PDF


To the Township Clerk and voters of the Township of La Crescent in the County of Houston, State of Minnesota
Notice is Hereby Given, that a General Election will be held in the Election Precinct at: La Crescent Town Hall; 830
Town Hall Rd.; La Crescent MN on Tuesday the 8th day of November 2022, at which the polls will be open from the hours
of 7:00 o’clock AM to the hour of eight (8) o’clock PM for the purpose of electing candidates for the following offices:

Federal Offices
One Representative in the United States House of Representatives in Congressional District 1

State Offices
One State Senator in State Senate District 26
One State Representative in the Minnesota House of Representatives in Legislative District 26B
One Governor and Lt Governor
One Secretary of State
One State Auditor
One Attorney General

County Offices

One Commissioner in County Commissioner District 4
One County Auditor-Treasurer
One County Recorder
One County Sheriff
One County Attorney
One Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor District 1
One Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor District 2

Judicial Offices

Supreme Court
One Supreme Court Associate Justice 3
One Supreme Court Associate Justice 6

Appeals Court
One Court of Appeals Judge 1 One Court of Appeals Judge 5
One Court of Appeals Judge 7 One Court of Appeals Judge 8
One Court of Appeals Judge 10 One Court of Appeals Judge 11
One Court of Appeals Judge 16 One Court of Appeals Judge 17
One Court of Appeals Judge 18 One Court of Appeals Judge 19

Third District Court
One Third District Court Judge 2 One Third District Court Judge 9
One Third District Court Judge 11 One Third District Court Judge 13
One Third District Court Judge 16 One Third District Court Judge 18
One Third District Court Judge 21 One Third District Court Judge 23

Dated: October 19, 2022
Donna Trehus
County Auditor-Treasurer
Houston County Minnesota

La Crescent Township Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

La Crescent Township Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Notice is hereby given to all qualified voters of La Crescent Township, County of Houston, State of Minnesota, of the Annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting being held Tuesday, March 8, 2022 In case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until March 15, 2022. Sample ballots will be posted at all regular posting locations.

The Election poll hours will be open from 4:00PM to 8:00PM at the Township Hall at which time the voters will elect:

Supervisor C – 3 year term
Tom Tornstrom (Filed)

Supervisor E – 3 year term
Write- in

Clerk – 2 year term
Karen Schuldt (Filed)

The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:15PM to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law and will be held at the La Crescent Community/Fire Building in La Crescent, MN. The Election Canvassing Board will meet immediately after.

Further information may be obtained by calling Karen Schuldt, Clerk at (507) 895-6055 #3.

La Crescent Township Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

La Crescent Township Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Notice is hereby given to all qualified voters of La Crescent Township, County of Houston, State of Minnesota, of the Annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting being held Tuesday, March 9, 2021 In case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until March 9, 2021. Sample ballots will be posted at all regular posting locations.

The Election poll hours will be open from 4:00PM to 8:00PM at the Township Hall at which time the voters will elect:

Supervisor A – Special 2-year term
Roy Lemke (Filed)

Supervisor D – 3-year term
Jason Wieser (Filed)

The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:15PM to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law and will be held at the La Crescent Community/Fire Building in La Crescent, MN. The Election Canvassing Board will meet immediately after.

Further information may be obtained by calling Karen Schuldt, Clerk at (507) 895-6055 #1.

Keep Our Ditches Clean

La Crescent Township

Ordinance Number 2010-11

The Board of Supervisors of the Town of La Crescent ordains as follows;
1. It is a violation of this ordinance to put something down the storm sewer (ditch) except rain
water or non treated waters.
2. All violations of this Ordinance shall be considered a misdemeanor punishable by the maximum
extent allowed by law.
3. Each day a violation of this ordinance is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a
separate offense and shall be punishable as such under this ordinance.
4. Adopted by Township Board of La Crescent on April 12, 2010.
This Ordinance is effective upon publication.
Dated: 04/12/2010
Dated: 04/12/2010