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La Crescent Township Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

La Crescent Township Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Notice is hereby given to all qualified voters of La Crescent Township, County of Houston, State of Minnesota, of the Annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting being held Tuesday, March 9, 2021 In case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until March 9, 2021. Sample ballots will be posted at all regular posting locations.

The Election poll hours will be open from 4:00PM to 8:00PM at the Township Hall at which time the voters will elect:

Supervisor A – Special 2-year term
Roy Lemke (Filed)

Supervisor D – 3-year term
Jason Wieser (Filed)

The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:15PM to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law and will be held at the La Crescent Community/Fire Building in La Crescent, MN. The Election Canvassing Board will meet immediately after.

Further information may be obtained by calling Karen Schuldt, Clerk at (507) 895-6055 #1.